Friday, 27 March 2015

Water purification at point of use

At source water purification

There's a lot to be done in the world of water management.  Millions of lives could be saved by people boiling their water before drinking.   Boiling also gets rid of excess chlorine.   

Millions of lives could be saved by better food prep and hygiene.   Washing hands before cooking, making sure food such as cooked rice doesn't stay at room temperature for too long.

Boiling does not clean the water from some algaes eg Great Lakes,   In some cases boiling algae water can make the water more toxic.

Some methods to clean and desalinate water at point of use.

Solar kettles,  fragile but they do work on sunny days

Home distillation units

Home filtration units,    (A lot of bother maintaining replacing filters) pro pure seems pretty good.   Anything has to be better than trusting the crap coming out the tap.

Water purification tablets and powders.
(Can't help thinking that relying on powder for clean water something has gone terribly wrong.)

Monday, 16 March 2015

Water resilient cities of the future

See also this post on the energy food water nexus.

I have found this free course to be incredibly illuminating, informative and challenging.    It offers some real practical solutions to making water resilient, liveable and sustainable water based  cities.

It is based on the solutions found by Australia during the millennial drought/ floods.   It is run by monash uni.    

Water cities of the future
Day 1

Day 1 pt 2

Day 2 pt 1

Arabian city of e future

Film to prevent flooding

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Water energy food nexus

 Water Energy Food Nexus
Some very interesting points on water usage. 

WEEK 2: Integrated urban water management (IUWM)
see futurelearn for free course
 Water for Liveable and Resilient Cities  by MONASH UNIVERSITY
With so much potential to do so much in this world we need to be looking at cleaner more sustainable forms of energy.  
China now has more wind power capability than the entire nuclear output of the USA.     

Integrated urban water management (IUWM)
Professor Gustaf Olsson of the Lund University of Sweden has researched and published widely on the Water-Energy Nexus.    Olsson also mentions water cost of hydroelectric in africa through evaporation.    I wonder if this could be mitigated with solar panel covers floating on the water.   Possible impacts on wildlife and water quality i guess.

Guardian talk about food energy water nexus

Larry Swatuk on the water-energy-food "nexus"

Be Positive about the environment !

TEDxWWF - Andy Wales: The Water-Food-Energy Nexus - Why Eve

china now has a wind capability greater than the nuclear output of the usa

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Congressman and senator vs fracking

Congressman and senator vs fracking

Congressman Maurice hinchey

Senator tony avella 

Lord Wigley House of Lords

Starts 4 mins in here interview with senator tony avella

The Halliburton loophole

Explain to me please why fracking is exempt from the Safe drinking water act ?   

This was introduced by dick cheny  who was Vice President of halliburton.

Halliburton loophole

Epa whistleblowers on epa cover up.

Just mix it with orange juice

"Just mix it with orange juice"

People make mistakes, accidents happen.

 Water companies may attempt to cover up mistakes to avoid liability.

 A buffer helps to catch these mistakes before people drink it. 

See this case study camelford.

Some idiot connected the wrong pipes and poisoned 20 thousand people.

People who phoned up to complain and report the accident where told there was nothing wrong and just to mix the water with orange juice.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Human canaries in the coal mine

Canaries in the coal mine.

The main reason to be hardline about it is watching the experiences of others who niavely  said yes to the gentle lies and then found their entire land, livelihood and living standards violated.    Fracking is all or nothing.   You cannot be a little bit fracked.    Once they are in across the threshold they do what they want.   That has been the experience everywhere else .

If ucg processes i.e. csg and fracking are such benevolent boons to a community why is it that in every area that it has been introduced there are vociferous locals saying they wish it had never been allowed in their locality?

john jenkyn

This industry has made normal people so angry with their lies, incompetence, secrets, corruption and non disclosure agreements it has made activists out of normal people.

Here are some of the human canaries singing out for help and in warning.

Terry greenwood america

John Fenton america

Jessica Ernst Canada

(Animation Doreen's story  )
Ian crane  and Brian monk Australia

David monk

Deborah Rogers frackanomics 

Gasland doc

Scott Ely

Former mayor Calvin Tillman advocate against fracking

Monday, 2 March 2015

42 DB bubbling stream or a library

Posted to this mooc ....  Re sound levels 42 db goal.

42 DB. "A bubbling stream as quiet as a library."

42 db is a blatant lie.
Re noise, nuisance and public health .....   

It depends when and where the noise measurement is being taken.

This a deliberately misleading number.  Depending a great deal on distance and measuring at the quiet times of an operation.   

This just cannot be true for peak noise levels during the entire fracking drilling and production process.

42 db... That does not include flaring or noise from trucks.

It's good to set goals .... 

What are the financial penalties for breaching those sound boundaries? 

Will the dbs be monitored hourly? 

I recommend something like 1000 to 10000 pound fine every hour or part there of that the sound level limit is breached. To be paid to local residents affected.

Traffic noise is 70 to 90 dbs passing on street.

The diesel generators pump out that kind of noise. Approx 120 db.

The flaring can reach jet engine levels.  Approx 150 db. 

Realistically it has to be measured from people's gardens and their bedrooms.

Noise obeys the inverse square law so distance from residential is the key.   Double the distance and divide the noise by 4.

If we measure at origin noise levels easily above 100 db.

Examples of fracking noise

Independent monitoring assets