Monday, 19 October 2015

Rachel Maddow on earthquakes

Fracking Vera scroggns

2015 quick summary of the reasons to say no to fracking.

The whole process is exempt from environmental laws in USA. Haliburton loophole and "not a single case". Never publically admitting liability.

Explosions from compressor stations = gas refineries.   All the various byproducts from the gas coming up.

Trucks in rural areas.

Number of wells per area.

VOCs and particulates In the air and fracking.

Dissolved solids in water and dodgy cleanup operations.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Water and waste management in the 21 century.

Water and waste management are going to be incredibly important in the 21 century.

Stop fracking the water away, stop nestle siphoning off millions of gallons for bottled water. Start real future city design on intelligent use of water. Dams = evaporation risk. Solar floats to stop the evaporation. Maybe a desalination plant. A purple pipe for washing clothes,cars and lawns, A reuse system that reuses bath water for the toilet. Theres a really challenging free course in doing atm that deals to with this.

Related coursera courses

Water in the Western United States

This course combines an overview of the science behind water and climate in the Western United States with a survey of the major legal, political, and cultural issues focused on this precious resource.
Starts April first.

Qanats water system

There was also Roman concrete...

I have found this free course to be incredibly illuminating, informative and challenging.    It offers some real practical solutions to making water resilient, liveable and sustainable water based  cities.

It is based on the solutions found by Australia during the millennial drought/ floods.   It is run by monash uni.    

Water cities of the future
Day 1

Day 1 pt 2

Day 2 pt 1

Day 2 pt 2

Day 3 pt 1

Day 4 pt1

Day 4 pt 2

Day 5 pt 1

Day 5 pt 2

Day 6 pt 1

Day 6 pt 2

Day 7 pt 1

Arabian city of e future

Film to prevent flooding

Queen Elizabeth park

Bbc what Britain wants somewhere to live
Property crisis

Us drought monitor

Water cities of the future
Day 1

London sewage upgrade

Ok I did a mark one standard vision of the future.   Slightly utopian.

I am working on a dystopian mistake city.

As I learn more on the course I will try to apply what I've learned to sim city examples.    Iam already thinking about a canal based city.

Climate change

Cost effective upstream Flood prevention 

See also

Water and Mexico

Good read?

Save our concrete

Greener roads

Water sensitive urban design

My animation

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Incompetence and greed. The fall of empires.

Incompetence and greed.   The fall of empires.

Was reading how Tina woke up and I try to remember how I woke up.

I remember this,  the first time I heard about fracking I thought "bloody stupid idea I hope they don't push it and see some sense" then I went back to sleep politically.

 I was perfectly aware of Noam Chomsky but felt that maybe consent did need to be manufactured in a complex democracy and was not impressed by the proponents of radical rural anarchism.  Every thing should be free but not my stuff brigade. Buy my book about revolution against capitalism for ten quid or more. Etc.

The one thing I was increasingly worried about was the water shortages.  The droughts.  

I also wondered when the housing market would crash / correct itself.

How could England have hosepipe bans?  

I realised it was a manufactured water crisis. Incompetence and greed.  Instead of building reservoirs and water management systems we were just building new houses on old reservoirs and older infrastructure. 

 Especially the last one which was a "drought" during one of the wetter summers we ever had,  water was pouring all over us and they were saying it was a drought.  Just a bit of rain still a drought.  

 On and on it rained. people got flooded out their houses.  "Funny drought we are having I used to say to people" as the rain poured over our heads.  That was the beginning of the loss of credibility towards the bbc and local radio for me.

Cameron was a green Tory remember? Got rid of the clown brown sell all the gold, save the world by printing money and bailing out banks excessive "new labour" everything seemed kinda ok.  Was a bit concerned that we were relying on the conservatives to curb the excesses of the bankers.

Lib dems promised and pledged an end to stupid loans for people's education.   To moderate and put the breakers on the conservatives.

Everything seemed ok and moderate in the world of politics.   Wasn't that keen on what was happening in the rise of the police state in America but thanked God and the queen that I didn't live in America or any other corrupt Republic.  Obama was going to change that BS anyway.   

2008 was the wake up call to stop all the London City madness with property price bubbles and rental Ponzi schemes. 

 We were all going to do something worthwhile with our lives like teach or be a doctor. Leave politics to the undesirables on all sides.

Then the frackers caused an earthquake near Blackpool and I thought "good that's the end of that!  They have pushed for a chance and proved themselves to be totally incompetent with an unsafe technology.  They have hung themselves with their own incompetence."  And again I went back to sleep politically.... And then the lies started.  All over the place relentless.  

Then They decided to prod balcombe, that's near my drinking water supply reservoir.

"It's all perfectly safe" came the comforting whisper on the media breeze,  and I just started getting angry.  of course it isn't safe don't tell me black is white and white is black. You caused a bloody earthquake the one and only time you tried to do it, dumped radioactive water in a canal and tried to cover it all up. Just google fracking and see what it's done to others.

"We have been fracking for 50 odd years without any problems" wth are you talking about you did the modern fracking once in Lancashire and caused "mild earth tremors" aka AN EARTHQUAKE.

"Gold plate regulations" what regulation, what enforcement, where are the liability bonds. Oh we phone them up on Friday we don't do site visits...

"Not a single case of fracking harming drinking water" and I discovered the haliburton loophole. No case because you were made exempt.

"Doesn't really use that much water three swimming pools or a golf course over a month" a golf course in a desert. That's per frack and you are talking of thousands of fracks.  Most of the water is lost to the water cycle and sequestered in the ground and the rest is some sort of radioactive salt water sludge.

"Well it's better than coal/ nuclear."   I would not want them in residential areas near our water supplies either.

"Quiet as a bubbling stream" and I saw traffic logs of all the trucks on rural roads in America.  The compressors.  The people living in misery near the flares.  The fireball accidents as trucks crashed or things blew up. The clouds of silica dust over kids play areas.  

The lies were relentless.   The mainstream media tried to spin it as nothing to worry about. Best thing ever think of all that money for the nations economy. 

 I started losing the shred of respect I had for the main stream media.

When stupid incompetent people lie to my face it triggers in me a need to correct them.

They are tainting so many institutions with their incompetence and greed.  The paid for academic shills.  The media.  The monarchy for allowing so many scumbags to operate and even give them honours. Mr suited and booted Lord Browne of cuadrilla for example.

The thing is there is still so many people asleep who kinda agree with the daily mail perspective on life.  Egged on by the elites to hate the skivers and the foreigners.

Now we have atos Maximus and ids.  Denying anything to do with sick people dying after being declared fit for work. Don't forget new labour started all that fit for work stuff rolling.

It reminds me of the 1930s and the rise of fascism through propaganda.