Saturday, 26 November 2016

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

helen bender, personal farmers testimony about the evils of oil and gas in agriculture,
helen bender,  farmers testimony about the evils of oil and gas in agriculture,  fracking nightmare ep 94, sacrifice zones,

Monday, 5 September 2016

oil and almonds

Thought experiment,

Which would you buy or walk away from?

first take a look at this video about using fracking waste water to irrigate almonds in california.

almonds and oil

People can choose which country to buy their food from. There will be a consumer backlash to all the pollution and regulatory corruption.

organic almonds from california *

Red wine from California *

Walnuts from California *

almonds, fruit from California *etc etc

Milk from sick and dying cattle near fracking sites in Pennsylvania,

then extend that to any milk from Pennsylvania that "might" be contaminated.

Then extend that to American milk that might be contaminated ( who knows? No one is checking, just looking the other way) as well as intensive use of bovine growth hormone, antibiotics and goodness knows what else.

Now moving on to the UK
How about Birdseye peas grown in fields around fracking sites *

Or how about beer made anywhere near frack sites, which would you choose ? One made near frack sites or one made no where near frack sites.

This extends any food or drinks

that might have been irrigated / contaminated by local fracking operations fracking waste water / treated or maybe untreated / dumped.

I see a massive consumer backlash.

People who want to reduce risk of cancer are going to have to switch to organic and vegetarian just out of self preservation.

It still sneaks in with junk food, crisps, fizzy drinks (Gmo / roundup corn syrup is in so many things)

Again there is going to be a massive consumer backlash as people look at the coke bottle and "corn syrup" 40 percent sugar or look up aspartame health impacts and switch to something a bit less toxic.

People are going to cut down on milk IMHO, especially skimmed milk and chocolate that thinks adding titanium white (key component of white paint) is a cool thing to do.

Once people realise the Alice in wonderland world we are living in that thinks adding paint and growth hormones to milk is acceptable. There is going to be a momentous consumer backlash.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

fracking fun, comedy and art to try to defeat fracking

john oliver north dakota fracking

its all about the price of oil
billy bragg its all about the price of oil

Song and play about fracking is your best friend

fracking is Bullshit

robert newmans history of oil

john oliver climate change

comedy rap about energy crisis

comedy rap about "the news"

doreens story

fracking fun, comedy and art to try to defeat fracking

john oliver north dakota fracking

its all about the price of oil
billy bragg its all about the price of oil

Song and play about fracking is your best friend

fracking is Bullshit

robert newmans history of oil

john oliver climate change

comedy rap about energy crisis

comedy rap about "the news"

doreens story

fracking fun, comedy and art to try to defeat fracking

john oliver north dakota fracking

its all about the price of oil
billy bragg its all about the price of oil

Song and play about fracking is your best friend

fracking is Bullshit

robert newmans history of oil

john oliver climate change

comedy rap about energy crisis

comedy rap about "the news"

doreens story

Monday, 30 May 2016

Info recap 30 may 2016 many links including scientific research papers

Fracking info links 30 may 2016

first hand testimony of what fracking companies do to communities. pump and dump.
Q. Why does fracking create vociferous local advocates against it?  it is not just nimbyism.

Phd listing (thx to jhh)
human and animal health reports fracking/csg/ucg/csm/cbm coal seam gas all
PHD and science data world wide

BAMBERGER human and animal health

Radon in Natural Gas from Marcellus Shale RESNIKOFF

radioactive waste RESNIKOFF



QUEENSLAND TARA and surrounds Geralyn McCarron

radioactivity in Marcellus Shale RESNIKOFF

fracking the dirty truth
randy moyer interview

another epa hearing

here is a specific process of the frack, explosive water pressure to shatter rock and release gas. The last time they did it cuadrilla had to shut down due to causing earthquakes near blackpool 5 years ago they had an accident that they tried to cover up. The biggest problems are connected to the whole logistics involved in fracking. Its a bit like placing an industrial factory (eg compressor station) in the middle of a residential area creating some heavy duty chemical. The actual technical process of creating the chemical may be relatively safe in a controlled environment (although still risky) but if it is run by people who crash trucks dumping toxic waste everywhere and dump waste into the local resevoir. This will have impacts. Also imagine this factory in residential area periodically releasing gas into the air or flaring huge flares during the night due to high pressures. Or maybe where they store the gas gets fractured and releases it everywhere like in california
methane gas leak in LA
methane gas leak in LA porter ranch 15 miles north of LA

radiation in CSG

Then there is dealing with the NORM radioactive wastewater / mud. This was dumped in the manchester canal untreated for radiation. There are risks to air quality, noise nuisance, property prices, earth quakes (particularly with wastewater injection wells), water pollution through direct contamination, water pollution through indirect contamination. Spraying waste water on roads, leaving it in evaporation ponds, spraying it on agriculture farmland.

perforating systems in fracking

dr ingraffea facts on fracking

dr ingraffea myths about fracking

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Oil subsidies in the uk

Ok, I was having a fun argument with a friend the other day...

One topic was oil subsidies in the UK.

"No such thing in the UK they don't exist... Oil production and distribution is taxed at about 80 to 90 percent.  No such thing as oil subsidies in the UK. It's left wing rubbish"

Is a tax rebate a subsidy?

Is tax payer paying for clean decommissioning a subsidy?

Is 5 million tax payer money on fracking PR a subsidy?

Is government funding pro academia and focus groups a subsidy?

In other parts of the world there may be real subsidised oil prices but what about the UK specifically. 

Anyone got anything constructive to add / say to bolster the argument that oil / gas / coal in the UK gets subsidies?

I went home and did a bit of research.
See pg 69 / 70 for UK summary

Tax breaks for north sea oil
Decommissioning costs
5 million to promote fracking.

Maybe I should have used the words tax breaks and government funded exploration and research directly benefiting oil companies production.

World wide subsidies vs UK specific subsidies.

Oil production subsidies

"The Government claims it does not give any subsidies to the fossil-fuel industry. This is because it has a different, stricter definition of subsidy – which it limits to “government action that lowers the pre-tax price to consumers to below international-market levels”.

"...This is despite David Cameron telling a UN climate-change conference in September 2014: “We need to give business the certainty it needs to invest in low carbon. That means fighting against the economically and environmentally perverse fossil‑fuel subsidies.” "

As for free markets they might be a nice idea if I ever saw one, although most seem to end up as monopolies.